Freemasonry is universal in the belief of a higher being.

There is no secret about who we are and what we do. We are good men trying to improve our lives through Faith, Hope, and Charity. We help our communities, fellow man, serve our country, and protect our family. A simple one line answer doesn't exist to describe Freemasonry. Freemasonry is an ancient organization that seeks to make good men better through a system of morality and ethics applied by the use of symbolic images of ancient operative masonry. Freemasonry is NOT a religion. Religious beliefs are NOT discussed in Lodge, but through the use of symbols and allegories, Freemasonry teaches equality of man and the value of Brotherly Love, Relief and Truth.

Freemasonry teaches and practices charity towards all who are less fortunate, while Freemasonry is NOT a religion. It is religious in the sense that Masons revere God, the Great Creator, and urge every man to attend a place of worship of his choice.

Our Values

and Charity

Join with Us

Second Thursday of each month at 7.00 pm
at Lake Drummond Masonic Lodge
509 N George Washington Highway
Chesapeake, VA 23323

Our Mission

Building each other
to Make Good Men

Worshipful John Wesley Conroy Jr.

Worshipful Master

How Do I Become a Mason?

To Be One You Must Ask One! To become a Mason a man must: apply of his own free will and accord and with an open heart. Neither invitations nor solicitations are made to prospective members. If a man is interested in joining he should ask a Masonic friend, who will guide him in the right direction.

The requirements for membership are that you be a man of good character and reputation; that you be a peaceful citizen, and one who guards against intemperance and excess; and that you are one who respects genuine brotherhood and the general good of society. Freemasonry requires a belief in a supreme being.

Each applicant for membership must be vouched for by two members of the Fraternity who are in good standing and know the applicant and can vouch for his character and his reputation. In addition the applicant must be elected by a unanimous ballot. For more on become coming a Mason visit the Grand Lodge of Virginia.

Lake Drummond Masonic Lodge 509 George Washington Highway North
Chesapeake, Virginia

Join us on the second Thursday of each month

6.00 pm for dinner
7.00 pm for Lodge

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